It can even tell you which mod the item comes from. Simply hover the cursor over an item, and the tool will tell you what it is.

One of the most helpful and lightweight Minecraft mods, Here’s What You’re Looking At or HYWLA helps users identify any block or item within the game. In addition, users can use this Minecraft mod to run various shaders at a high FPS and switch between them with ease. For example, it uses a multi-threading system for block updates to reduce lag spikes and culls invisible chunk faces when rendering graphics to decrease memory bandwidth usage.
This mod also has many features working together to run Minecraft more smoothly. Examples of its features are its smooth lighting and biome blending for fluids and other special blocks. It provides better visual quality while minimizing strain on the machine.

However, this one was built to be used specifically with the Fabric mod loader. Much like OptiFine, Sodium is a Minecraft mod for improving the game’s performance and visuals. In addition, OptiFine supports HD textures and fonts as well as custom colors, lighting, and block color palettes. It also offers features for modifying how different elements of the game look, letting you change the appearance of water, snow, grass, trees, rain, fog, and objects in the sky. The FPS boost helps increase the framerate, while VSync or vertical sync synchronizes the game frame rate with the monitor’s refresh rate and removes split frames. In terms of improving gameplay, this essential mod features an FPS boost and VSync. In addition to its numerous graphics and rendering options, users can run various shader packs as well.

One of the most popular Minecraft mods, OptiFine is an optimization mod for running the game faster and smoother. These are some of the best Minecraft mods that help players get the most out of their gaming experience, from providing useful game optimization features to solving in-game struggles. Top 5 Utility and Performance Minecraft Mods